No New Years Resolution

12:00 PM

Hey Loves,

I know ya'll read the title like...What?!?!?! This is something I started doing for myself a couple years ago. (Check it out here) Instead of making new years resolution, which I'm pretty sure I'm not going to keep, I sit down with myself, reflect on the past year and make a New Years Pledge to myself. I know some of you are like, they're the same thing. But to me when I physically sit down to reflect on what I want to change on work on in the new year, a pledge is promise to myself , that I know I will keep.

This year for me has been incredible. Granted I did have some rocky moments, like everyone else. But God has pulled me through, and has presented so invaluable opportunities for me personally & for the blog. Many of you know that I always stand strong in my faith in God, because that keeps me going even when I want to wallow in the things that I don't have yet. My faith in God keeps me looking forward & knowing that every "setback" is simply a set up for a comeback. 

With all that said for 2015 I make this pledge to myself...

-To take more time to enjoy the fruits of my labor
-Begin my journey to financial stability
-Grow in my independence as a young woman
-Take a more consistent approach to the blog
-Pitch myself & the blog to bigger & better opportunities
-To be a better daughter, friend & girlfriend

I pray that with the strength of God I will keep each point listed above, near to my heart. I will do my best to uphold the pledge that I've made for myself for 2015.

I hope you all continue to stick with me for another year.

Happy New Year Loves

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